Curtain wall Systems

Signature Premium flare and quality.


Signature European flare and quality.

MC Wall

Modern to Traditional Styles

Colours & Specialty Finishes

Decorative Elements

Hardware & Hinges

MC Glass

Triple Glazed and Gasket Construction

Optional Frame & Sash Insulation

Passive House Certified Models

UW as low as 0.60 W/m²K

MC Passive +

Superior Burglary Protection

Standard Multipoint Locking System

Sensors & Motorization Available

Child Safety Locks


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What is a curtain wall system?

A curtain wall system is a non-structural outer covering of a building's facade designed to protect the interior from the elements and create an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Unlike traditional walls, curtain walls do not support the building's weight; instead, they are hung like curtains from the building's structure. These systems are typically made of lightweight materials such as aluminum, glass, or steel, allowing for large expanses of windows and providing transparency and natural light to the interior.

Curtain walls are prevalent in modern architecture, especially in commercial buildings and high-rise structures. They offer several advantages, including energy efficiency, as they often incorporate thermal breaks and insulated glass to minimize heat transfer. Additionally, curtain walls can be designed with various finishes, colors, and configurations, allowing architects and designers to achieve a wide range of aesthetic goals. The modular nature of curtain wall systems makes them versatile and adaptable to different architectural styles and project requirements.

What kind of architectural structure would use a curtain wall system?

A curtain wall system is commonly used in the construction of modern commercial and high-rise buildings. The primary purpose of a curtain wall is to serve as a non-structural, exterior covering for the building's facade. It is particularly well-suited for structures that aim to achieve certain architectural and design objectives. Here are types of structures that frequently utilize curtain wall systems:

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